The part of my memories
KC - Love does not measure, it juz gives. U owe me nth, so release urself too :)
Liverpool, UK
20080730, 1154pm
Rach in release mood
The part of my memories
KC - Love does not measure, it juz gives. U owe me nth, so release urself too :)
Liverpool, UK
20080730, 1154pm
Rach in release mood
Liverpool, UK
20080726, 0927am
Rach in a little bit happy mood :)
V love u Jane! Happy Bday!! (click for larger image)
The next morning, Ivan made us delicious bruschetta~
all made by Ivan and he's still available!
Ivan the chef
V were actually plan to dine out for celebrate Jane and Zoe bday, but finally v delay it to next week, at the same time v get to know bout a Japan fair nearby our Uni. So that 6 of us ahead to the fair and v really hv fun!
Kawaii neh! (click for larger image)
8 of us ;)
Hong, Jane, SeePin, DoDo, ChiLing, Zoe, Me & Ivan
₤ 5 gone but it's worth!
i come back around 5pm from bookshop and all my gals were home edy too. Once i entered my apartment, seepin suddenly open her door and asked me to go to Albert Dock with her and Marcus, so, i put down the books and some grocery, and went out again -.-"one of the Albert Dock's corner ONLY!
There hv a lot of visitor attractions such as Tate Liverpool, Liverpool Duck Tours, The Beatles Story and The Merseyside Maritime Museum. Too bad we were late, the Museum was close at 5pm, 3 of us enjoyed our evening much even v were only took pictures and walked around the dock.
with Marcus - Sea view
Outside of the Museum - Albert Dock
We didn't take much picture coz bz visiting :), all i can say is the museum is fantastic and i think i will go once again before i leave Liverpool ;)
Dad - i know u miss me le, admit it la.. ahaha
Marcus - thx ya tour guide :P
See Pin - congrate on ur new "baby"
Dodo & Hong - Happy chatting with u 2
- shit, 3 deadlines in next week
- damn relax and enjoy in this 2 days
- anyone could recommend me on my backpack to Spain?
Liverpool, UK
20080712, 0136pm
Rach in relax mood :P
Gals laugh that looks like racer's glove, well.. hmm.. i admit it, but it looks cool right? LOL i dun care i juz love it :)
well i made another joke in this morning. Finally today is the sunny day and finally i can wear my short pant to uni and feel like summer! so i only wore a t-shirt with short pant to uni. Yet i not aware today hv strong wind too, so that again prove that the sun in europe country, especially UK is fake, it looks big and hot yet the weather is damn shit cold!
while i making noise that i want to buy glove, my fren remind me wasn't i edy hv one? i juz like suddenly "dong~!!!" oh yea! i ALREADY bough one in last friday man! After i showed it to my other housemates of my new glove, i simple dump into my wardrobe with new socks tat i bought tat day too, then i forgotten i had already bought the glove.... -.-"...
Other than that, finally i bough a pair of branded sport shoes, which is Diadora (i dunno how well know of it, but my fren says is goody stuff). All because i hv to take care of my ankle, so sport shoes is always good than high heel.
well guess how much it cost me? is juz £ 6 man! is around RM 49, and it is definately real Diadora, although i dunno how much it cost in Malaysia, but all my frens say i get the good pair one, so am happy too lo ;).. oh yea, the other brand like Nike, Adidas and etc are all cheap as only cost £ 15 to £ 40, i think i will bring back one for my bro as his next year bday present ;) (Jeff if u r reading this, go n find the model u want la, i will change my mind anytime lo~).
well my weekend is happy and enjoy with my gals, juz hope the time can stop the happy moment lo..
aheemmm.. well get reader complain y don't i post some University photos, well this is complicated coz my Uni's campus are EVERYWHERE! don't understand right, i will show u the map wen i back k ppl. Anyway i have my lecturer class in John Foster building, and my seminor in Dean Walters building. I hv to walk like 5 to 10 minutes wen changing class. So the very cin cai photos i take wen i was in Uni today.