I've never try to update a single entry with 3 days time! And this post gonna make the record, with 40+ photos, that took my 3 days to upload all the photos before start blogging!
Wow! ok, so what's this entry all about, the farewell roadtrip for Jess, my little cousin, who's going back to Taiwan for her 2nd semester in next Friday, i afraid i could make time for her by the next week, so we (Elaine, Eva and I) to made a roadtrip + dinner for her.
Obviously the roadtrip destination is my idea, as everyone know i love outdoor activity more than indoor. All of 'em agreed the trip, so we went to Agricultural Park a.k.a Taman Pertanian in Shah Alam for cycling and enjoy the natural.
I've never try to update a single entry with 3 days time! And this post gonna make the record, with 40+ photos, that took my 3 days to upload all the photos before start blogging!
Wow! ok, so what's this entry all about, the farewell roadtrip for Jess, my little cousin, who's going back to Taiwan for her 2nd semester in next Friday, i afraid i could make time for her by the next week, so we (Elaine, Eva and I) to made a roadtrip + dinner for her.
Obviously the roadtrip destination is my idea, as everyone know i love outdoor activity more than indoor. All of 'em agreed the trip, so we went to Agricultural Park a.k.a Taman Pertanian in Shah Alam for cycling and enjoy the natural.
Elaine came and pick me up, then go to picked Jess around 8am, Eva needs to help her mum in the market, so 3 of us went to yam cha (really yam cha wih dim sum) in Menjalara before picked Eve up in the market.
As what i always advice my friend, don't ever let me hold the menu, because if i'm hungry, i'll order madly, if i'm not hunry, i'll order madly too! So the yam cha dim sum breakfast was horrible!
3 of us ordered near 20 plants of dim sum, just for the sake of taste every type of dim sum that has in the restaurant. Of course, we leave a lot (sorry God! >,<), but we did tried hard to finish all! This prove Jess, lynn and I share the same gene. LOL. Then we picked Eve in her house, because we told her all of us brough the sun glasses along, she better get one to made her a group with us, so she went back home just for the sun glasses, and then we ahead to Shah Alam! I'm the only one in the car who has a little sense of direction (if you know me you would know how "good" of my sense of direction), but Jess and Lynn share a same gene as me, and they're even worst and Eve doesn't have a license yet, so i was the driver of the day.
Got the tickets (RM 3 for adult, RM 1 for kids), got the map for each of us, then we went to the place for bicycle renting, picked the bike and start our adventure!
Jess and I
As i said, all of us have no sense of direction, so the map we were holding just for emergency use, for example we lost the direction in the park (althought we're not sure we could really understand the map, or not =.='').
So the whole cycling trip we just follow our heart to go the place we pass by, the 1st station is, the lotus lake.
We leave the lake and went into the Anima Park, although the birds are more than the animal. But we still excited with the baby horse!
We leave the animal park and cycled to the main road, and we found a beautiful drawbridge by the road side, again we throw the bikes aside and start the madly photo section there =P
Then we ahead to the 4 seasons house, which is one of the attraction in the whole park, althought the house is having the summer seasons now, but the stuff there told us that the house is ready to turn to the autume seasons, so we paid RM3 each to visited the summer-turning-to-autume house.
The greatest part of the season house ain't the beautiful flower and comfortable tempature, but the great lighting system and made every single photo we took so beautiful! We took uncountable photos in the house!
All of us so sick for cycling uphill, so we decided to made Taman Cendawan (Mushroom Park as our last destination). Again, the greatest part of the park is the beautiful tree house, lake, grass, weather and the natural!
The mushroom and the ladies
groupie photo
Lynn and I stayed down
Eve and Jess go up
We only used 15 minutes to "rolling" back to the bike renting place, because all the way back to the main entry of the park is downhill, we had to hold the brake all the way back instead of cycled it.
A table of FOOD again!
After the early dinner we go back to Kepong, send Jess back home and we cant waited to get all the photos we took in the day.
To Jess,
We only used 15 minutes to "rolling" back to the bike renting place, because all the way back to the main entry of the park is downhill, we had to hold the brake all the way back instead of cycled it.
But we leave out a lot of the parts that we couldn't cycling to, so we took the free shutter bus in the park, and enjoy the slow tour of the whole park.
Again, the greatest part of the tour is the natural lighting too! Again, we took a thounsand photos throughout the tour! So then we leave the park by 2 somethings, and we ahead to the next destionation, Ampang Vege Fish Restaurant a.k.a Garden restaurant that i had introduced in my previous blog. (For detail, read the July 14 entry, title: Garden Restaurant)
All of them impressed for the place, and the food! And all of them were too tired to hold the menu, except me =D.
So, the table filled with 5 dishes, but we've only 4 ladies.
After the early dinner we go back to Kepong, send Jess back home and we cant waited to get all the photos we took in the day.
We've only one digital cam and 2 cell phone camera that day, but we took near 500 photos! That's why i upload hell lot of photos in this blog!
To Jess,
Sorry have too little time for you since you came back from Taiwan, as you know from others that i'm being workaholic and so busy for my work. I might not have time to send you off next Friday so i made this weekend free for you, i hope you do have a great time being with us. Enjoy your university time fully, you only have it once!
Jessica Tian Xia Hui
Kepong, Malaysia
20090901, 0127pm
Rach in sleepy sloppy mood.
happy happye