The internet fees is crazy, an hour cost me 4 NZD!
Ok i reached Auckland yesterday, 9pm something, the time different here is 5 hours faster than Malaysia.
Got my bank and tax account applied. Got a local sim prepay card here. Walk around the town, i dislike the city, look forward to go to Te Puke soon.
Will hunt a cool car tomorrow for the next destination.
Alright before i can make a long blog, i dedicate this blog to Elaine, who gave me big help in achieving my backpacking dream in New Zealand.
Lynn the photos as below, i get one message from Bunny Rach, i don't eat too much coz its hell expensive here; But i do eat coz i need to survive, muahaha.
Oh yea, Auckland one has no time to take yet. Will done it soon before i leave Auckland 2 days later.
In some backpacker hostel now and they're sucking my blood for online. Ciao and i'm just fine, so fine. I feel like i goin back to UK and being a student again!
Hey, don't jealous, just come over. Muahahahah
Auckland, New Zealand
20100329, 1122pm (NZ time)
Rach in a little bit chill in the night mood.
haha... I do jealous the little bunnies over there, hope i'm one of them also.. anyway, take care there.. ^^