Ok la failure in editing the photos, i try to make the photos to more hmm... more hmmm.. beau..ti..ful?
Yea yea yea a failure. But i don't care coz i'm lazy to edit all over again, just let the photos to stimulate your eye balls just for once.
Alright as mentioned in the last post. The journey to Te Puke from Auckland.
We got Yoyo, and we travel with Yoyo in the 4th day i arrived in NZ.
Sun is driving..
I'm so nervous the day before we departed to Te Puke, coz wireless and free internet connection is not popular in NZ yet, you want to online and you have to pay, and its hell expensive. In the hostel, we bought 1 hour internet time with 3NZD, around 6RM.
Ok this is not the main point, the main point is, we're relay on the internet much, and sun and mei yee don't have any experience in backpacking in western country. I feel like i have the
responsibility to lead them and settle everything for them.
responsibility to lead them and settle everything for them.
So again, the main point is, we cant find the way to Te Puke from Auckland!!!!
All we have is the map, hard copy one.
If you know me well, i cant read the map well, but anyway, i jsut have to try, i don't have other choice.
So i figured out a way to go onto the highway the night before depart.
And yea, i did it :D.
This is the best thing of backpacking, things come suddenly, and you just have to solve it, i just love the feeling when i achieve something like this.
And of course, NZ highway is pretty clear and simple, and, small.
They called the 2 lines road as "highway", which in Malaysia, we refer this as "kampung road".
The owner of the campervan bring doggies along!
Its easier to found a cow than a human here.
From Auckland to Te Puke is 200km++ according to Google map, if i drive in Malaysia, its around 2 to 3 hours to reach, but in NZ, took us 4 ++ hours.
No kidding, we drive slow, coz NZ very strict on the traffic, i stopped by a traffic just for random check, and everyone is follow the law, follow the speed, and drive really safe, so we adapt the culture, and follow the speed.
We follow the State Highway 2 to the direction of Tauranga, before Tauranga turn to Te Puke, but we took wrong turn and the road leaded us to Mountain Maunganui, an attraction of NZ.
We met an uncle who called himself as kiwi contrustor there, well its a long and scary story, perhap in next post.
But anyway, we reached here safely...
And start my new life here... =)
Alright i goin to kacau my housemate, tomorrow will update about te puke, bout what i haven't know yet la.. my home? perhaps =D.
Stay tuned.
Te Puke, New Zealand
20100412, 0834pm
Rach in the cookie is damn nice! mood
hahahahahaahhahahahhah im just visiting blogs and this seems pretty cooL! hey canu visit my blog too? Its an eglish project and i have to expand : ( thanks!
hahahahahaahhahahahhah im just visiting blogs and this seems pretty cooL! hey canu visit my blog too? Its an eglish project and i have to expand : ( thanks!