Sunday, January 18, 2009

aboudoned children in my balcony!

Sunday, after back from shopping with family, then my mum ordered me and Babby to clean the house, my dad was assigned to clear his jungle a.k.a my room's balcony, and surprisely, he found this.....

babby: san, come here, see what inside the empty flower pot
me: what it's? i don't want. (if u know me and my dad well, u would know y i'll answer like this)
babby: come la, come and c.
me: gosh! that's rat! how come so huge!

finally i know that's kitten, wei they're so small and guling like a rat ok?
I was so excited to take one of the kitten on my hand, then i saw the kitten's mummy staring on me in the opposite roof.

Babby: once u touch the kitten, the cat wouldn't take them anymore.
me: !!

i don't know how real of this but tat's really frighten me, i don't wanna be the kitten's mummy, i have cookie edy!

Babby: since the mummy wouldn't take them, u take down to cookie home, as chinese new year present for cookie la, or cook soup, good idea right?

ok, i know he's bluffing, 3 kittens are shaking, i guess they aren't warm enough, i boil some milk and took a old t-shirt for them while the mummy coming back to take them..

they are really adorable! i'm not mind the mummy let them in the flower pot until they grow actually. But when I go to check on them juz now, blacky MISSING! sob.. i guess the mummy will come and picking the rest soon too..

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
20090118, 0543pm
Rach's in miao miao mood.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Sleepy is the only word i would describe bout myself now..
But i feel i should update something before i turn Greeny off..
Yet i don't know what should i update..
And i know i wasting my reader's time..
So i decided to end the entry here...
Good Night..

sis passing by: better don't write la.. bullshit..

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
20090116, 1038pm
Rach in sleepy mood

Friday, January 9, 2009

sick :S

if i tell u the reason for not updating my blog with... nothing to update, will u feel want to punch me?

if yes, please punch me, because this is the truth.

a little update while i still remember, which is got back home earlier today cause feel sick, feel like vomit and headache, reach home like 5 something and sleep till just now, i hope i will get better as i have another assignment by tomorrow :-(.

finished the only one update, and now is pictures blog :-)

LOL, just let me be child once again, i miss banana ship (yes, the menu wrote SHIP) and pudding!

dad had denggue infected by last week, but he's very well now :-)

chill, not kena rompak, i just try to keep and tidy up my wardrobe ;P

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
20090108, 1013pm
Rach in sick mood

Friday, January 2, 2009